Modernizing the Protection and Management of Wildlife
Launched in April 2024, our automated acoustic wildlife surveying device, the ASU, is the first-of-its-kind on the market.
ASU 2 - Launching March 2025!
Wildlife surveying is largely done manually by a biologist visiting a site several times per year over multiple years - an approach that is time/labor-intensive, error-prone & negatively impacts wildlife.
Land management lacks a consistent, effective and efficient way to monitor and survey wildlife.
Even where recording technology is used, it produces many hours of audio recordings which must then be reviewed by human listeners and/or algorithms, a lengthy and cumbersome process.
Detections of target species are only known weeks, months or even a year after the recording was produced, a non-starter for time-sensitive operations.
Wildlife Surveying
Instinct Automated Surveying Unit (ASU)
Our novel acoustic monitoring device fully automates wildlife surveying, listening for over 6,500 species of interest, processing the data and providing timely notification no matter how remote the survey site may be.

Instinct Automated Surveying Unit (ASU)

The world's first automated real-time, edge-computing, satellite-enabled acoustic monitoring device.
Instinct is founded and built by outdoorspeople who are passionate about using their skills to better protect the environment.